ÿþThe clover has been turned into Adidas' logo since 1972, adidas athletic shoes and at that time, all Adidas' products were used this flag. Due to its external form, a large number of people consider that the symbol of Adidas clover stands for a full-blown flower, which represents the Olympic essence of higher, faster and stronger separately. But actually, the logo of Adidas clover originally stands for the togetherness of three continental plates.
Its shape is just as the earth's unfolded three dimensional graph, much like a map of the world, which represents that the power of adidas baby shoes sports is being extended all over the world. Meanwhile this logo also symbolizes three strips that Adidas brand's founder, Adi Dassler sewed on the sneakers.Since 1996, the clover logo has been adidas baseball specially used in the classic series of Adidas Original products. The classic series chose the best products throughout Adidas history as their chief source.
The clover is the most welcomed brand under Adidas subsidiaries. Compared with other Adidas series, clover shoes, including clothes are more fashionable, casual and trendier, which no longer belong to sportive style. Clove vintage shoes were achieve inevitable conformation adidas black gold in the trendy circle.In the year of 2001, the first exclusive shop of Adidas Originals was opened in Berlin Germany. Later that year, another store was available in Tokyo Japan.
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Clove vintage shoes were achieve inevitable conformation in the trendy circle.The first franchise store of Adidas Originals was set up in Berlin Germany in 2001. Later that year, another store was available in Tokyo Japan. The third store was opened in SOHO district of New York city.This corporate brand was ranked sixty-seven among the top 500 world brands which was worked out by World Brand Lab in 2006. Yan Wei,
a young artist from China, adopted clover brand's invitation.