courses taught at a local venue- a well-designed NFL CAP websiteThe section of the nonfiction proposal entitled Authors Bio or Authors Credentials details the information about the authors platform. Many aspiring authors I work with, at least initially, grossly underrepresent themselves in this section.SOLUTION 1: WORK WITH WHAT YOU HAVETHEN SWITCH HATS!Assume that you probably already have more of a platform than you know. Instead of beginning by writing your bio in paragraph form, put on your Scribe hat and make a listyes, thats right, a long, tedious, unsexy listof everything youve done that seems even remotely related to your book.Once youve made your boring list, switch hats.
is defined as the duration of sequential related matters. Huh?Womenwear many hats: wife, mother, executive, business owner, entrepreneur, friend,and the list continues. Unfortunately, many women think of time as not beinglate, watching the clock or feeling stressed DIAMONDS CAP for not having enough of it. Butwhere in the whole scheme of things does time take on a different meaning? Doestime have to be limited to an enclosed segment of space? Whats your relationship with time?Thinkof the ways you use the word time. I dont have time. How DIAMOND 5 PANEL much time isleft? Where will I find the time? I dont want to get old.Thesestatements or "conditioned beliefs" cause great damage:
Youcant touch it, wrap it or make it stop. Its just there. Thegood news is you get to make a decision about time. Will it be your enemy oryour friend? If time becomes your enemy, it has you chasing dreams, missingwhats here and now and stealing your enjoyment of life. Make Time Your FriendMakingtime your friend leads to self-acceptance and powerful connections to others.Dont just sit there hearing what your daughter is saying while DOPE CAP you mentallymake your grocery list. Focus on her words, the tone shes using, and thenonverbal physical motion in her every move. Immerse yourself into what is notbeing said. Be present. That is how time becomes your friend. So,how do time and wisdom go hand in hand?
Wisdom supports knowing and honoringwhat works for you. There are a few things you can do to guard that preciousresource you call time.First,decide on and categorize your responsibilities. We all have them, so lets putthem into groups that make sense to us. This applies to both your personal andprofessional responsibilities. It can be anything from managing people on thejob or spending play time with your kids. The idea here is to focus on theopportunities of what you are responsible for and not the crises that come up. Second,ask yourself what percentage of time you need or want to spend in eachcategory. Remember, needs and wants are vastly different, so keep this in mindduring this exercise.
For those who feel they were born with two left feet, music might make you more coordinated by helping to execute the stepping with less TISA CAP confusion.Listening to the right kind of music can add an extra dimension to your workout. For example, many competitive athletes wear headphones before they race. Some of them are listening to fast-paced music to get their adrenaline flowing and get excited for the upcoming competition, while others are listening to slower-paced music to calm anxiety or nervousness.So how do you choose music for your workout? This first depends on the intensity of the aerobic exercise chosen. The number of times the heart beats per minute, or BPM, needs to be
consistent with the tempo or speed of the activity.